(since 2015)
Sabadus A, Blaga R, Hategan SM, Calinoiu D, Paulescu E, Mares O, Boata R,
Stefu N, Paulescu M, Badescu V (2024) A cross-sectional survey of
deterministic PV power forecasting: Progress and limitations in current
approaches. Renewable Energy 226, 120385.
Blaga R, Calinoiu D, Paulescu M (2024) A methodology for realistic
estimation of the aerosol impact on the solar potential. Solar Energy 271, 112425.
Paulescu M, Blaga R, Dughir C, Stefu N, Sabadus A, Calinoiu D, Badescu V
(2023) Intra-hour PV power forecasting based on sky imagery. Energy,
Paulescu M, Stefu N, Dughir C, Sabadus A, Calinoiu D, Badescu V (2022) A
simple but accurate two-state model for nowcasting PV power. Renewable
Energy 195, 322-330.
Hategan SM, Paulescu M (2022) Spectral Factor of Colored Solar Cells: A
Case Study on the Main Urban Areas in Romania. International Journal of
Photoenergy, Article ID: 8494818.
Blaga R, Calinoiu D, Stefu N, Boata R, Sabadus A, Paulescu E, Pop N, Mares
O, Bojin S, Paulescu M (2021) Quantification of the aerosol-induced errors
in solar irradiance modeling. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 133 (4),
Paulescu E, Paulescu M (2021) A new clear sky solar irradiance model.
Renewable Energy 179, 2094-2103.
Blaga R, Calinoiu D, Paulescu M. (2021) A one-parameter family of clear-sky
solar irradiance models adapted for different aerosol types. Journal of
Renewable and Sustainable Energy 13(2), Article Number: 023701
Paulescu M, Sabadus A, Dumitrescu A, Badescu V. A new parameterization of
the effective cloud fields. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 142(1-2),
769-779 (2020)
Paulescu M, Paulescu E (2019) Short-term forecasting of solar irradiance.
Renewable Energy 143, 985-994 (2019)
Blaga R, Sabadus A, Stefu N, Dughir C, Paulescu M, Badescu V (2019) A
current perspective on the accuracy of incoming solar energy forecasting.
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 70, 119-144.
Calinoiu D, Stefu N, Boata R, Blaga R, Pop N, Paulescu E, Sabadus A,
Paulescu M (2018) Parametric modeling: A simple and versatile route to
solar irradiance
Conversion and Management 164, 175-187.
Blaga R, Paulescu M (2018) Quantifiers for the solar irradiance
variability: A new perspective. Solar Energy 174, 606-616.
Paulescu M, Brabec M, Boata R, Badescu V (2017) Structured, physically
inspired (gray box) models versus black box modeling for forecasting the
output power of photovoltaic plants. Energy 121, 792-802.
Paulescu M, Stefu N, Calinoiu D, Paulescu E, Pop N, Boata R, Mares O (2016)
Ångström – Prescott equation: Physical basis, empirical models and
sensitivity analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62: 495-506.
Stefu N, Paulescu M, Blaga R, Calinoiu D, Pop N, Boata R, Paulescu E (2016)
A theoretical framework for Ångström equation. Its virtues and liabilities
in solar energy estimation. Energy Conversion and Management, 112, 236-245.
Paulescu E, Blaga R (2016) Regression models for hourly diffuse solar
radiation. Solar Energy 125, 111-124.
Mares O, Paulescu M, Badescu V (2015) A simple but accurate procedure for
solving the five-parameter model. Energy Conversion and Management 105,